Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, remember how in my first post I told you that I got a new plecco because the first one I got died?? Well just last week, I think it was I go into my room and am looking in my Fish tank and my second plecco is dead!! :( I think that my tank might have been a little bit to cold for him or something. Well on the 24th I went to a SYC meeting (Stake Youth Committee), and I found out the the LDS Prom is on April 11th and the Long view stake is hosting it again!! woo-hooo !!! I am so excited!!! I think that I am going to have to do some research and find out where they are going to have the Prom. I will probably talk to Sister Evans about it and that will probably be my research. :) hmmm.. what else..... last night we were up past midnight... well sort of some of us were kinda sleeping on the couches. The reason that we were up so late is that we had just gotten back from babysitting for the Adult session of Stake Conference and we were also waiting for the croissants to get done. When they were done they were the best croissants that I have had since the last time that I had croissants. :):):) We had Stake conference Today it was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. It seemed like the talks all had a common theme. That theme was making good or bad choices. hmm.. The next dance is on March 14 or something and the theme is green. The joke at the meeting was that we were going green!! lol !!! Hmm well I think that that is all for now. So I will post more later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, don't mind me I was trying to find the link for the prom for my friend, but google sent me here. LDS prom is going to be at LCC's student center in Longview, theme is Night at The Oscars, hope you can come!
    A Longviewite
